Thursday, August 04, 2011

A Little Bit Less Historic

31 = D in O =
31 = F of BRIC
32 = DF at which WF
32 = T counting WT
33 = CQ for the IFH
36 = I on a YS
36 = IIAY
36 = N on a RW
36 = RM
37 = NBTDC
38 = N on a RW
39 = L in ML


  1. 31 days in October
    36 inches on a yard stick

  2. siddhartha kathpalia8/09/2011 5:51 AM

    32 teeth counting wisdom teeth

  3. siddhartha kathpalia8/09/2011 5:55 AM

    32 degrees farenheit at which water freezes


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