Friday, March 12, 2010

Writing Well Thought Out Phrases

We all know that resumes are written to provide short, succinct, professional histories for people applying for jobs.  But, most people feel some need to dress up what they've done over time.  How good are you at writing up a resume? How about reading them?

Could you, if you tried, come up with the more common form of the following phrases?

  1. Hemoglobin is more viscous than H2O
  2. Perambulate in moccasins, and shoulder a gargantuan wooden rail.
  3. Allow somnolent quadrupeds that are homo sapien's greatest comrades to remain reclining.
  4. Lack of what is required is the matriarch of inspiration.
  5. A maximum amount of purposeful activity and a minimum amount of disport and dalliance cause Jack to become a dim-witted, stagnant dunce of the male species.


  1. 1. Blood is thicker than water
    2. ?
    3. Let sleeping dogs lie
    4. Necessity is the mother of invention
    5. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

    Thanks for posting this! It was lots of fun to decipher :)

  2. #2- Walk softly and carry a big stick.

  3. Looks like you got them all.

    1. Blood is thicker than water
    2. Walk softly and carry a big stick
    3. Let sleeping dogs lie
    4. Necessity is the mother of invention
    5. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (I think I've heard this differently phrased, but it works).

  4. Well I got number 1 easy got completely confused by number 2, it took me a long LONG time to figure out number 3, then I promptly gave up and read the answers :)

  5. I got 2 out of the 4. This is good brain food.


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