Thursday, January 14, 2010

Letter Equations Seven Through Nine

7 = D of the W.
7 = W of the (A) W.
7 = S of the W.
7 = H of R.
7 = C of the R.
7 = D S.
7 = P of W.
7 = B for S B.
7 = S on a F P P.
7 = Y of B L for B a M.

8 = C on a C.
8 = B in a B.
8 = L on a S.
8 = T on an O.
8 = D of H.
8 = S on a S S.
8 = N in an O.
8 = U in the I L.
8 = P in a G.
8 = F in a M.
8 = P in the S S (since 2006).

9 = P in the S S (1930-2006).
9 = J on the S C.
9 = L of a C.


  1. Missed a few, but here's what I got:
    7 Days of the Week
    7 Wonders of the (Ancient) World
    7 S of the W...???
    7 Hills of Rome
    7 Colours of the Rainbow
    7 Deadly Sins
    7 Pillars of Wisdom
    7 Brides for 7 Brothers
    7 S on a FPP...???
    7 Years of Bad Luck for Breaking a Mirror

    8 Corners on a Cube
    8 Bits in a Byte
    8 Legs on a Spider
    8 Tentacles on an Octopus
    8 Days of Hanukkah
    8 Sides on a Stop Sign
    8 Notes in an Octave
    8 U in the IL...???
    8 Pints in a Gallon
    8 Furlongs in a Mile
    8 Planets in the Solar System (since 2006)

    9 Planets in the Solar System (1930 - 2006)
    9 Justices of the Supreme Court
    9 Lives of a Cat

  2. 7 = Days of the Week.
    7 = Wonders of the (Ancient) World.
    7 = Seas of the World.
    7 = Hills of Rom.
    7 = Colors of the Rainbow.
    7 = Deadly Sins.
    7 = Pillars of Wisdom.
    7 = Brides for Seven Brothers.
    7 = Sides on a Fifty Pence Piece.
    7 = Years of Bad Luck for Breaking a Mirror.

    8 = Corners on a Cube.
    8 = Bits in a Byte.
    8 = Legs on a Spider.
    8 = Tentacles on an Octupus.
    8 = Days of Hannukah.
    8 = Sides on a Stop Sign.
    8 = Notes in an Octave.
    8 = Universities in the Ivy League.
    8 = Pints in a Gallon.
    8 = Furlongs in a Mile.
    8 = Planets in the Solar System (since 2006).

    9 = Planets in the Solar System (1930-2006).
    9 = Justices on the Supreme Court.
    9 = Lives of a Cat.


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