Friday, January 29, 2010

New Domain!

Hello all.  We have a new domain to celebrate.  Blogger is telling me it could take up to a day to work everything out, so please be patient today.

I tried some of your suggestions on domain names, but I couldn't find one that was available.  So, I'm sticking with the name and I hope you don't have any trouble sticking with the site.  Again, if you have any troubles, please let me know sooner rather than later.  You may be the only one who's willing to let me know there's an issue, so don't  be shy.

On to the puzzle (Have a great weekend, btw!)

Madge makes deliveries for a gift shop. Last Saturday, five mid-morning orders kept her busy. Each was for a different item (bonsai tree, chocolates, dish garden, fruit basket, and roses) to be delivered to a different household (Adams, Chen, Falk, Grodin, and Martinez) for a different event (anniversary party, baby shower, engagement party, graduation, and wedding). Can you discover the order in which Madge made these deliveries, the party to whom each item was delivered, and the event each party was holding?
  1. The delivery to the wedding was just before the delivery of the bonsai tree, and just after the delivery to the Adams house.
  2. The delivery to the Grodin house was sometime before the one to the baby shower.
  3. The fifth delivery was a fruit basket.
  4. The delivery of a dozen long-stemmed roses (which wasn't to the graduation) was sometime after the delivery to the Falk house.
  5. The delivery of a dish garden was sometime after the delivery to the anniversary party.
  6. The second delivery was for Martinez.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Missing Letters

What are the missing letters?

c l a
e n c
g p e
. . .

Repeating yesterdays announcements
Sometime in the next week, I'm going to attempt to move Question of the Day to a domain name (get it off of blogspot).  I don't think I'm going to have any issues with the feed, and hopefully, you will not have any trouble getting posts in your normal matter.  If you do, I'd appreciate it if you would let me know ASAP.  I don't want anybody to get lost in the move.

If you normally come directly to the site by typing it in, you shouldn't have any trouble with it. Hopefully, you will get redirected to the new site without any issues (again, if you have any issues, please let me know ASAP!!!) .

Also, if you happen to have a good idea about what domain name I should use, please leave it in the comments.

One other thing, I'm thinking of changing the format slightly.  I was thinking of approving comments the next day.  That way, everyone will have a chance to make their guess.  I was also considering doing a point system, if you answer correctly, you get a point  (similar to what guessthelogo does).  The point system seems like a lot of work for me to keep track of, so I'm not sure I want to go ahead and do that.  But you can consider this a heads up.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fish Heads

A fish's head is 2 and half inches long.  His tail is as long as his head and half as long as his body.  His body is half as long as his total length.  How long is this fish?

Sometime in the next week, I'm going to attempt to move Question of the Day to a domain name (get it off of blogspot).  I don't think I'm going to have any issues with the feed, and hopefully, you will not have any trouble getting posts in your normal matter.  If you do, I'd appreciate it if you would let me know ASAP.  I don't want anybody to get lost in the move.

If you normally come directly to the site by typing it in, you shouldn't have any trouble with it. Hopefully, you will get redirected to the new site without any issues (again, if you have any issues, please let me know ASAP!!!)

Also, if you happen to have a good idea about what domain name I should use, please leave it in the comments.

One other thing, I'm thinking of changing the format slightly.  I was thinking of approving comments the next day.  That way, everyone will have a chance to make their guess.  I was also considering doing a point system, if you answer correctly, you get a point  (similar to what guessthelogo does).  The point system seems like a lot of work for me to keep track of, so I'm not sure I want to go ahead and do that.  But you can consider this a heads up. 

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Need More Logic

Brown, Jones and Smith are a doctor, a lawyer, and a teacher. The teacher, who is an only child, earns the least money. Smith, who married Brown's brother, earns more than the lawyer. What is each woman's job?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Anonymous Letter Equations

A reader was asking about the following letter equations.  Can you help him or her out?

180= S of S.A.
2= D of a Q
1= T in a M
2= T in a B
0= S of a H.L.
0.8= F.F. as a D
0= N of S of P.L.
4 = A.V. of N.F.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Three Marked Women

While a red mark was placed on the forehead of each of three blindfolded women seated facing each other in a circle, they were told that the the mark might be either red or white. Upon removal of the blindfolds, each was to raise her hand if she saw at least one red mark, and then to take it down if she could logically deduce the color of her own mark.

All three hands were quickly raised, but then one of them lowered her hand. How did she know?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Logic Prevails This Week

When asked her 3 children's ages, Mrs. Muddled said that Alice is the youngest unless Bill is, and that if Carl isn't the youngest then Alice is the oldest. Who is the oldest and who is the youngest?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quick and Easy Logic About the Smiths

Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their two children form a typical American family. If exactly two of the following statements are true, what is the first name of the father, mother, son and daughter:
  • George and Dorothy are blood relatives.
  • Howard is older than George.
  • Virginia is younger than Howard.
  • Virginia is older than Dorothy.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Reading Books for Christmas

Mr. Reader's five daughters each gave books for Christmas to one or more of her sisters. Each presented four books and each received four books, but no two girls allocated her books in the same way. That is, only one gave two books to one sister and two to another. Beth gave all her books to Alice; Christy gave three to Edith. Which sisters gave the four books to Deborah?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Stamp Colors

The Grand Master takes a set of 8 stamps, 4 red and 4 green, known to the logicians, and loosely affixes two to the forehead of each logician so that each logician can see all the other stamps except those 2 in the Grand Master's pocket and the two on her own forehead. He asks them in turn if they know the colors of their own stamps:

A: "No."
B: "No."
C: "No."

Again, he asks them in turn if they know the colors of their own stamps.
A: "No."
B: "Yes."

What color stamps does B have?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Letter Equations Seven Through Nine

7 = D of the W.
7 = W of the (A) W.
7 = S of the W.
7 = H of R.
7 = C of the R.
7 = D S.
7 = P of W.
7 = B for S B.
7 = S on a F P P.
7 = Y of B L for B a M.

8 = C on a C.
8 = B in a B.
8 = L on a S.
8 = T on an O.
8 = D of H.
8 = S on a S S.
8 = N in an O.
8 = U in the I L.
8 = P in a G.
8 = F in a M.
8 = P in the S S (since 2006).

9 = P in the S S (1930-2006).
9 = J on the S C.
9 = L of a C.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Think Dates

8/6 is to H. as:
  1. 6/6 is to B
  2. 7/4 is to P
  3. 11/11 is to W
  4. 7/4 is to N
  5. 8/9 is to N

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bonus Points If You Can Define Them All

Which two words in the list are the closest in meaning?
  • Cristate
  • Crossed
  • Moribund
  • Elevated
  • Tufted
  • Crystallized

Monday, January 11, 2010

Is There a Reason?

There is a reason behind the cause for button locations.  Traditionally, men's buttons are on the right, while women's clothes have buttons on the left. Do you know why this is?

BTW, I have no idea if my answer (given tomorrow) is right or not.  But it makes sense to me.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Burning the Candle From Both Ends

My great-grandmother was always interested in saving money. She even found ways to save money by melting down the ends of old candles.

She realized that 1/4 of every candle used in the candle holder never burned. So, she would remove the ends and save them. Only when she had four candle ends, she would burn the four ends together as one candle.

If great-grandma went to the store to buy 16 candles, how many 'candles' did she end up actually using?

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Complicated Euler

This is a do it yourself, although you can still answer the question (is it possible) in the comments below. Can you trace along all of the lines, without lifting the pen from the paper and tracing each line only once?

If you need a hint, this is a rather complicated Euler puzzle.

Don't forget to let us know if you were able to do it!

UPDATE: SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scroll down if you want to see a possible solution.  It's not the only one, but it does work.


Follow the nodes around starting at 1, then move to 2, 3, 4, etc...  You'll notice there are two odd nodes with three numbers.  Start at the first odd node and end at the other to solve.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Whodunnit... Where are the Grammar Police When You Need Them?

Three of these statements are untrue, so whodunnit?

Mr Red: "Mr Blue did it."

Mr Blue: "Mr Red did it."

Mr Green: "Mr Blue's telling the truth."

Mr Yellow: "Mr Green's not lying."

Monday, January 04, 2010

Letter Equations 10 to 12

Hey, welcome back!  I'm glad you're here.  I had a great vacation (Thanks for asking!) and I hope your new year is better than last!

10 = C.
10 = C in a D.
10 = Y in a D.
10 = L I.

11 = P on a F T.

12 = M in a Y.
12 = I in a F.
12 = S of the Z.
12 = D of C.
12 = D of J.
12 = E in a D.
12 = D in a G.
12 = P of R.
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