Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tip Your Hat

While walking down the street I met a man. He tipped his hat and drew his cane and in this riddle I told his name. What is the mans name?


  1. Andrew Hiscane?? Or maybe his name was "A Man"??

  2. It's just "Andrew" isn't it?

  3. I don't understand how the sentence makes sense if his name is Andrew or Drew.

  4. Andrew Hiscane, cuz 'he tipped his hat and Drew Hiscane and in this riddle...' doesnt sound right. idk, i could very well be wrong.

  5. Of course his full name is Andrew! All his friends (like me) just call him Drew...

  6. Andrew or Andrew Hiscane looks like the right answer, but it might also be Tam: "met a man".

    Anonymous, I don't think the sentence is supposed to make sense if you read the name as a name - the name is just included in the sentence.

  7. Charli, It seems like in order for it to be a riddle it would have to make sense re-read as a name. If not, aren't we just searching for names (which could be almost anything) in the letters given?

  8. he tipped his hat, Andrew Hiscane?

  9. Well, if it doesn't have to be a real name, then his name could be And because that makes sense if thought of as a name in the sentence, And drew his cane, like bob drew his cane, but probably not the answer, just another thought :)

  10. I agree with Anonymous: If we're just looking for a name in these ordered letters, we've got choices:

    Tim (streeT I Met)

    Lei (riddLE I)

    He Man (tHE MAN's name)

    Alternately, "What" is his name (with an inflectionary question mark)

  11. Come to think of it, I suppose his name could be "a man" or "Aman" or some such; as in:

    While walking down the street, I met Aman/a man...

  12. I thought we were supposed to get an answer the next day??

  13. Sorry anonymous. I was having trouble posting yesterday. The answer is Andrew (and drew), but the other answers given were great. I knew that a variety was possible, but I never expected all of the possibilities.

  14. andrew hiscane or maybe drew??

  15. ummm...it's andrew guys...just with two "d"s

  16. Andrew Cane

  17. Actually, this riddle is structured incorrectly.
    The answer is the two words before the phrase, "his name".
    The official answer to the riddle is Andrew because of the phrase "and drew his name".
    But since "name" was replaced with "cane", the answer for this riddle is Itold because of the phrase "I told his name".

  18. Quit being deep... It's Andrew.


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