Monday, March 05, 2007

I have four parts

Change my first, I'm essential to Batman.
Change my second, I'm what Rachel did.
Change my third and I'm a sore.
Change my fourth and I look good on gifts.
I'm often held, I'm often filled,
I'm often set in place.
What am I?

For full bonus points, you need to get them all. :-)


  1. You're bowl.

    1. cowl
    2. bawl
    3. boil
    4. bows

  2. You got it Andrew. Just to explain:

    There are four parts: four letters.

    Something essential to batman is his cowl.

    Rachel comes from the bible. She cried for her lost children, or you might say she bawled.

    Boil is a type of sore.

    Bows look good on gifts.

    And of course, the answer itself is bowl.


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